F*ck flushing get Fab: One Green Summer #3


I’ve written before about the tampon taboo and how half of all women think it is ok to flush.

It’s not. It’s really, really not, but until we all swap to the Mooncup (I will try it soon) or period pants (check out my review of them here) then there are likely to be occasions when you have a tampon to get rid of… for example, in a public loo with no sanitary disposal or at your Granny’s house with no bin.

Flushing anything other than the three p’s (poo, pee, paper – thanks for asking!) can cause blockages to your pipes and sewers, but waste can also get through the filtration systems at sewage works and end up in our rivers and seas. This means more plastic pollution – and cotton buds, wet wipes and condoms this applies just as much to you!

Sowhatdoya’do? Well you just have a pack of Fab little bags in your handbag and discreetly pop your tampon in, avoiding the whole, ‘I’ll wrap it in tissue’ thing which is unsatisfactory, especially when your kid pulls it out of your bag; “what’s this mummy?” or you have to rummage for your car keys.

They open with one hand, seal shut easily and are biodegradable. You can do your bit to keep our oceans clean and our sewers unblocked.

And while we’re at it, if you have school age kids of either gender, have you talked to them about periods yet? We need to break down taboos, and normalise a normal part of life. If you don’t do it, who will?

For more info, check out www.fablittlebag.com